Salade Ventoux En Frisee

Salade Ventoux En Frisee

1. NOTE: original recipe called for green bell peppers, but I prefer red bell peppers as I think they make a prettier presentation. Substitute if you wish. I also cut back on the olive oil by 2 tablespoons.

2. Preheat oven to BROIL.

3. Broil the bell peppers until well charred. Place in paper bag and "sweat" for 25 minutes. Once cooled, peel, seed and remove membranes.

4. Cut the goat cheese into 4 thick slices and place in a warm, not hot, oven at approximately 150 degrees.

5. Heat the olive oil in a pan and lightly saute the raisins until they just begin to sizzle and plump up and the pine nuts begin to turn golden. Stir in the balsamic vinegar then remove pan from heat.

6. On 4 separate salad plates, divide and arrange the frisee and prepared bell peppers. Add the warmed cheese and spoon the olive oil mixture over the top.

7. Serve immediately.


