Salmon Mousse Supreme, Grandma'S Recipe

Salmon Mousse Supreme, Grandma'S Recipe

1. Place the salmon steaks in a small shallow pan, add half the onion, half the carrots, one bay leaf, 5 peppercorns and a good pinch of salt, spoon over half the wine (= 75 ml / 5 Tablespoons) with some of the water (=75 ml / 5 Tablespoons).

2. Cover and slowly boil, then simmer gently for 15 minutes (covered).

3. Remove the salmon pieces (RESERVE the cooking liquid).

4. Gently peel off the skin and using two forks gently flake the flesh, removing any bones.

5. Place the fish to one side to cool and boil the reserved cooking liquid down until it it reduced by half, strain it and reserve it again.

6. To make the mousse, sprinkle 15 ml ( 3 teaspoons) gelatine into 45 ml (3 Tablespoons) water in a small cup and mix well, leave until totally dissolved (several minutes).

7. bring the milk to the boil with the rest of the sliced onion, carrot, bay leaf and peppercorns then leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

8. Melt butter, and off the heat add flour and then strain the milk mixture into this. bring to the boil and boil for several minutes, stirring all the time. Take off the heat and while still warm, mix in the gelatine mixture.

9. Once the sauce is cooked, add it, with the fish and a little of the reserved fish stock to a food processor (or use a stick blender) and PULSE ONLY for a few seconds so that the fish still retains some texture.

10. Slowly add the mayonnaise and whipped cream and fold through the mousse.

11. Whisk the egg white until stiff but not dry, and fold it well into the mousse mixture.

12. Pour the mixture into an oiled 18cm (7 inch) soufflé dish, smooth the surface, cover and refrigerate about 2 hours to set.

13. Make aspic by soaking the remaining gelatine in 30 ml (2 Tablespoons) water and dissolving it, stir in the remaining wine, sherry, vinegar, water( 90ml / 6 tablespoons) and season. refrigerate for 1 hour to set.

14. Turn Mousse out on to a flat dish and dab with kitchen paper very gently to absorb any excess oil from the dish. Turn the aspic out in a sheet of greaseproof paper and chop roughly. Slice cucumber very thinly and press gently around the sides of the salmon mouse. Garnish with aspic and serve with Melba toast.


