Salmon Steamed With Mustard Seeds And Tomato

Salmon Steamed With Mustard Seeds And Tomato

1. Grind the mustard seeds corsley in a clean coffee grinder or spice grinder.

2. In a shallow bowl large enough to hold the fish,.

3. combine mustard seeds, chilli, cumin, turmeric, salt, pepper, cayenne, tomatoes and mustard oil.

4. Mix well.

5. Add the water and the fish and mix gently.

6. Cover with a plate or aluminium foil and set aside for 10 minutes.

7. Place the covered bowl in the steaming utensil, cover the utensil and steam genty for 10 minutes.

8. Remove the bowl, toss its contents gently to mix, then cover bowl and put back in the utensil.

9. Cover the utensil and steam for 10-15 minutes or until fish pieces are opaque.


