Salmon Sushi 101 (Sans Bamboo Mat!)

Salmon Sushi 101 (Sans Bamboo Mat!)

1. After rinsing the rice, place rice to drain in a strainer. Drain for one hour in the winter, 30 minutes in the summer.

2. Combine mirin, vinegar, salt, and sugar together in a bowl and mix well.

3. Add rice and 1 C water to a pot and bring to boil. Put lid on, reduce to simmer and cook for 15 minutes. DO NOT lift lid, even after the 15 minutes.

4. After 15 minutes, take the pot off the heat and let sit, undisturbed, for 10 more minutes.

5. Place in a glass dish to cool and lightly fan the rice while adding the vinegar mixture; mix gently. Let rice cool to room temperature.

6. In a bowl, mix the cream cheese and mayo together well.

7. Cut nori into long strips and cut each strip in half.

8. Cut salmon into 1-inch strips or squares.

9. On a clean work surface, lay out a strip of nori and spread a thin layer of cream cheese mix (it should be thick enough for the rice to stick - barely see through).

10. Sprinkle on a pinch of garlic powder, or to taste.

11. Spread layer of rice over the cream cheese mixture.

12. Sprinkle on a pinch, or to taste, of black pepper and minced onions.

13. Lay a piece of salmon in the middle of the prepared nori strip, on top of everything.

14. Pull ends together so that they meet. You will have a roll. Press gently on the seam to seal it.

15. Arrange on attractive plate and enjoy!


