Salmorejo (Without Bread)

Salmorejo  (Without Bread)

1. Prep: Roast garlic and shallot (drizzle with a little olive oil and wrap in foil. Roast in oven (or Grill) at 425 degrees for about 1/2 hour. Chop shallot for easy blending.

2. Prep: Wash and core tomatoes. Chop for easy blending.

3. Place in a blender, chopped tomatoes, broth, red wine vinegar, roasted garlic (2 – 3 cloves), roasted chopped shallot, salt and pepper. Chop in blender first, then puree.

4. In a mixing bowl, put in the almond flour; pour tomato mixture over flour and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Mixture will start to thicken.

5. Return to blender. Add ¼ cup of olive oil, and purée until smooth.

6. Chill for 2 – 3 hours.

7. Pour into serving bowls; garnish with hard boiled eggs, bacon or ham, and a drizzle of olive oil (optional).


