Salsa Colorada

Salsa Colorada

1. Char peppers and tomatoes over gas flame or under broiler, turning until skins blister and blacken.

2. Place peppers in plastic bag and let steam 10 minutes.

3. Peel off skins and remove seeds; rinse, if necessary, and pat dry.

4. Let tomatoes stand until cool to the touch; peel and remove seeds.

5. With machine running, drop garlic through feeder tube of food processor.

6. Add salt and blend well, using 2 to 3 onn/off turns.

7. Blend in almonds using several on/off turns until texture resembles coarse meal.

8. Add tomatoes and peppers and mix until smooth, about 40 seconds.

9. Blend in hard-cooked egg yolks.

10. With machine running, add olive oil through feed tube in slow steady stream.

11. Blend in vinegar and red pepper using several on/off turns; texture should be that of grainy mayonnaise.

12. Transfer to serving dish, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate.

13. Let stand at room temperature 1 hour before serving.


