Salty Bolinho De Chuva (Savory Brazilian Doughnuts)

Salty Bolinho De Chuva (Savory Brazilian Doughnuts)

1. In a large bowl, mix in the eggs, green onions and salt.

2. While mixing with a wood spoon add the flour, corn starch, baking powder and milk until you get a batter similar to thick cake batter.

3. Preheat a deep-fat fryer to 350 degrees.

4. Using two tablespoons, take a spoon of batter and scrape off the batter into the fryer using the second spoon.

5. Fry about six doughnuts each time until golden brown, about 3 to 4 minutes, flipping just once for overall browning. (The doughnut will flip by itself). Remove the doughnuts from the oil and drain and serve.


