Sarasota'S English Muffin Shrimp Pizzas

Sarasota'S English Muffin Shrimp Pizzas

1. Shrimp Marinade -- Mix the cumin, chili powder and olive oil in a small baggie and add the shrimp. Just marinade 2-3 hours, at least 1 hour.

2. Grilling -- I prefer to grill the shrimp on a outdoor or inside grill if possible. You could also broil or even pan saute, but grilling to me works best. They only take just a couple of minutes. Just until they start to curl and start to turn pink. Remove, let cool slightly, and then rough chop. You could easily make these ahead of time.

3. Muffins -- Slice them in half and then just toast under the broiler until slightly brown. They will take just a minute and watch them carefully.

4. Cheese -- In a small bowl, mix both cheeses so you always get a good blend of both cheese when you add it to your muffins.

5. Toppings -- Top each muffin with a tablespoon of the salsa verde (green salsa), then 1/2 of the cheese, shrimp, olives, cilantro, a few red pepper flakes, and the other 1/2 of the cheese. Place on a baking sheet.

6. Bake -- 400 degrees in the oven on the middle rack for about 10 minutes until the cheese is melted and the muffins are golden brown.

7. Serve -- Garnish with any leftover cilantro if you want and just enjoy them. Serve with a good bowl of soup for a nice dinner.


