Sarasota'S Mini Beef Calzones

Sarasota'S Mini Beef Calzones

1. Meat -- If you have left over meat, don't worry. If not, make sure to saute it ahead of time. Just use a little olive oil in a pan to saute on medium heat until done and then set to the side to drain and cool.

2. Vegetables -- if you cooked your meat in that pan you may have a little oil left to saute your vegetables, if not -- add a little olive oil to cook your vegetables. Add them and saute 4-5 minutes until soft. Remember they won't cook much in the oven and you want most of the water cooked out of them. They also should be set to the side, drained and cooled. You don't want extra water in the calzone to make it soggy.

3. Crust -- Just roll out your pizza dough. Pillsbury comes in a rectangle so roll out as flat as you can make it. Add a little flour to your counter top or cutting board so the dough doesn't stick. I like ro roll out with a rolling pin to get in even and spread out. It should be about 13x9, each can or 14 oz of dough. Then with a 6" bowl right from your kitchen cabinet -- press down on the crust to make as many calzones as possible. This recipe will make right about 8 for both rolls. Any left over crust, just add all together and press down again to maybe get one more calzone.

4. Stuffing -- Add some of the cooled meat, then the vegetables and cheese. Now put a little water on your finger and moisten 1/2 the edge of each circle. Then fold the circle over to make a half circle. The water will just make it stick together good. Press together well to seal and then use a fork to press the edges down even more and make a nice decorative edge.

5. Bake -- Brush a little olive oil if you want on the calzones to make a crisp crust (optional). Transfer the calzones to a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper or foil and bake at 450 for about 15 minutes until golden brown. One batch I made took 20 the other 15 so, just keep an eye of them. Serve with a good Marinara.

6. And remember, any mix of fillings, broccoli, ham, cheese; bacon, cheddar and onion; or chicken, spinach and mozzarella. Just think what is left in your fridge. Six dollars for pizza dough and marinara and you can make a great use of leftovers and with some soup in your freezer, you have a whole new dinner.


