Satay Magic

Satay Magic

1. Cut meat into 1/4 inch thick strips.

2. In a medium sized bowl, incorporate seasonings with Coconut milk. After you have a smooth paste, add the meat and spoon or hand mix till all is coated nicely.

3. Cover and and allow the party to mingle for at least 2 hours in the fridge.

4. Skewers: If using wood skewers, soak them in water at the same time you are marinating, which will reduce there burn rate during the grilling process.

5. Skewer meat, if you stretch the meat across the skewers, rather than cram them together, they cook faster. Your choice here.

6. Cook Satay on a HOT gas or Charcoal grill. Flip them midway through and monitor for flare ups. Chicken Breast will cook up quickly (7-10 minutes)if cut thin and stretched across the skewers. (test for doneness on your thickest cut).

7. Serve immediately with Peanut Sauce.


