Saturday Morning Fry Up

Saturday Morning Fry Up

1. Now first of all, grill your sausages and bacon, if you can keep them warm in the oven that is great if you run out of time.

2. Cut up your mushrooms and cut the tomatoes in half, fry in a little oil until done.

3. Gently heat the baked beans at the same times as making the eggs.

4. Whisk together the eggs and milk, melt the butter in the pan, add egg mixture.

5. Leave to set about 1 minute then start lifting (not stirring) until is cooked, leave a little moisture as it is nicer.

6. Toast your toast, cut into 2 triangles and butter.

7. Place on plate.

8. Put eggs on top of toast.

9. Add 2 sausages, 2 rashers bacon, 1 tomato a quarter of the mushrooms to each plate.

10. Add a quarter of the baked beans to every plate.

11. Sprinkle Worcestershire sauce over eggs and rest if you like, season with pepper.

12. Place on the table, with sauces in the middle.

13. Pour orange juice equally into 4 glasses.

14. Call the family.


