Sauerkraut And Red Beet Borscht

Sauerkraut And Red Beet Borscht

1. Wash, peel, and chop beets into bite sized pieces.

2. In a large heavy skillet melt 2 tablespoons butter and add beets, sugar, tomato paste. Brown for a minute and add lemon juice. Saute a few minutes more and cover and let the beets simmer in juices until cooked through.

3. Peel and chop onion and saute in two tablespoons of butter in a stock pot on low heat until glassy.

4. Add sauerkraut and chicken stock and cook until the sauerkraut is tender. Add red beet mixture and stir until blended. If beets are still not done all the way bring soup to a low boil until cooked.

5. Remove soup from stove and can add sour cream to make it a lighter rose color or wait and garnish with a dollop of sour cream after ladeling soup into bowls. Sprinkle parsley over the top and serve with slices of dark chewy bread.


