Savory Pudding

Savory Pudding

1. Grease a large baking dish with the butter.

2. Mix eggs, milk, almond extract, nutmeg and cloves.

3. Peel and core apple, slice into French fry like strips.

4. Mix cheeses to incorporate.

5. Line bottom of pan with several slices of bread.

6. Drop 1/3 of cheese about bread with a spoon to make blobs.

7. Lay in some of each fruit/vegetable, about 1/3 of each.

8. Drizzle a little (about 1/4 cup) of the egg mix to help distribute the seasonings.

9. Lay over more of the bread to cover this layer.

10. Repeat steps with each filling and bread until all are in the pan; make the top layer all bread so that all the goodies are hidden inside.

11. Pour the rest of the eggs over the top.

12. Cover with plastic wrap and press to saturate all the bread with the liquid.

13. Let stand for at least 1 hour, if not overnight in the refrigerator.

14. Heat oven to 350°F and bake for 45 minutes; check frequently to make sure that it doesn't burn.

15. Remove when golden and let cool for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.


