Savoury Sandwich Cake-Smorgastorta

Savoury Sandwich Cake-Smorgastorta

1. whip the cream until stiff, then fold thru the mayonnaise. (I used my whisk for both).

2. set aside 1/3 of this mixture.

3. Drain your fish and pick out all the bones etc.

4. Combine with the 2/3 cream mix, adding your onions and dill, cayenne and lemon juice. salt and pepper optional.

5. On a sturdy platter, (or a biscuit tray covered in baking paper) lay out 9 slices of crustless bread. If you slices are realy big, use 6 slices, and 3 X 1/2 slices, laying them out to form the base of the "cake".

6. spread half the mixture over the bread.

7. top with 9 more slices.

8. cover evenly with the rest of your mixture and top with the last 9 slices of bread.

9. Press it down with your hand to get an even top.

10. Using the saved 1/3 of the cream mixture, spread over the top and sides of the cake.

11. refrigerate overnight.

12. garnish!

13. there are no rules to garnishing, a row of egg slices, then some chopped cherry tomaoes, then a band of fresh chopped parsley. You can slice the smoked salmon and do a criss-cross design. Use the cucumber around the sides of the cake. Slice thinly and press against the sides.


