Scalloped Potato Surprise!

Scalloped Potato Surprise!

1. In a pot melt butter/margarine over low heat.

2. Add flour and stir for a few minutes to cook out the 'flour taste'.

3. Turn heat to medium and slowly whisk in milk and seasoning.

4. Heat and stir till sauce starts to thicken, then stir in cheese.

5. Cook until cheese is melted.

6. Pour a small amount of sauce in the bottom of your greased casserole dish.

7. Layer in order potatoes,onions,eggplant,sauce,onions,potatoes.

8. Cover with sauce and top with parmesan cheese.

9. Cover and bake at 350 for an hour or so.

10. Remove cover and bake until golden brown on top.

11. For those of you that have read my other recipes, you know that I'm not big on measurements. With that being said, the sauce is equal parts butter to flour and enough milk to have a thick cream soup consistency. (I didn't really measure -- I go by 'eyeballing' it).

12. Cool and ENJOY.


