Seared Chilean Sea Bass And Lobster With Thyme Scented Tomato

Seared Chilean Sea Bass And Lobster With Thyme Scented Tomato

1. Over medium heat cook the bacon until crisp and remove the bacon.

2. In the bacon fat sweat the chopped onions, garlic and ginger until soft.

3. Add tomatoes and cook ten more minutes, add thyme leaves and chicken stock, simmer five minutes.

4. Season with salt and pepper, place in blender, puree until smooth then pass through a fine sieve.

5. Finish with one-ounce butter and adjust seasoning.

6. Cook sliced onions over medium heat in oil until light brown. Boil potatoes and puree when soft. Add milk and 3 oz. butter to potatoes, stir in the caramelized onion, season with salt and pepper.

7. Blanch asparagus and season.

8. Season sea bass, place in hot sauté pan with a little oil and cook until golden brown on each side.

9. Cooking times will vary depending on thickness of fish. Fish should be just done in center.

10. Remove lobster meat from shell, season and cook in same pan until cooked through. Remove and slice into four pieces.

11. In large soup bowl place a spoonful of potatoes in center, arrange four asparagus around the potatoes, place a piece of sea bass on the potatoes and a lobster medallion on the sea bass. Spoon tomato broth around the potatoes and then sprinkle fish and lobster with crisp bacon and chopped chives.


