Shanghai Spring Rolls (Or Egg Rolls)

Shanghai Spring Rolls (Or Egg Rolls)

1. Use the highest flame for the stir frying process.

2. Stir fry pork in 2 T oil until no longer pink; add chicken& do the same thing.

3. Follow with shrimp.

4. Remove to a sieve.

5. Add a little more oil to the wok if needed and stir fry the scallions for a few seconds, then add the mushrooms& cabbage; stir fry to wilt cabbage, 2- 3 minutes.

6. Stir in sauce.

7. When it boils, thicken it with the binder.

8. Stir cooked meats back in, followed by sesame oil.

9. Set aside to drain and cool.

10. Assemble in skins using beaten egg to seal.

11. Deep fry at about 325°F until half cooked.

12. (Can be frozen at this point. Defrost before continuing).

13. When ready to serve, deep fry at 375 until golden brown and crisp.

14. Blot well on paper towels.


