Shish Kebab (Kabob) Marinade **Awesome**

Shish Kebab (Kabob) Marinade **Awesome**

1. Place Meat into Mixing Bowl (Small enough for refridgerator).

2. Add Lemon Juice and Olive oil, Mix.

3. Chop and Add Onion, Chillis and Garlic, all chopped medium fine.

4. Add all Dry spices, Mix into meat.

5. Chop Mint leaves coarsely and add to mix, stir well.

6. Cover with tin foil and marinade meat for 1-12 hours - preferably 2-4.

7. Remove from fridge and stir well.

8. Grill under high heat until meat is cooked through.

9. Serve with Pitta bread or Wraps, Garlic and Chilli sauce, Coleslaw, Salad or whatever takes your fancy.

10. Enjoy :) PS photo will follow when I convince Win 10 to do what it's told.


