Sima (Finnish Spring Mead)

Sima (Finnish Spring Mead)

1. Bring the water to a steady boil.

2. Meanwhile, use a zester or vegetable peeler to remove the yellow outer rind from the lemons and place in a large non-metal, heatproof container.

3. Peel, or trim, off the white rind and discard.

4. Slice the lemons and place in the container with the zest. Add the brown sugar and white sugar.

5. When the water boils, add it to the container with the lemons and sugar.

6. Let it cool to lukewarm, then stir in the yeast.

7. Cover and allow to sit out at room temperature for 24-48 hours, or until surface begins to bubble slightly.

8. Strain the liquid into clean containers about 1 quart in size. Add 5-6 raisins and 1 tsp sugar to each container. Seal tightly and refrigerate 2-5 days, or until raisins float to the surface.

9. Keep refrigerated and serve cool.


