Simple Crabmeat And Asparagus Soup

Simple Crabmeat And Asparagus Soup

1. Flake crab meat, removing hard membranes. Remove flowers from asparagus and set aside. Cut stalks into 2" pieces. Cook asparagus flowers and stalks in boiling, salted water for 3 minutes then drain.

2. In a large pot, bring sherry, soy sauce and chicken broth to a boil.

3. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet or wok on medium heat and cook green onion for no more than 1 minute. Add crab meat and asparagus for 2 minutes more.

4. Add vegetables and crab meat to the broth mixture. Stir in hot sauce and corn starch mixture. Simmer until broth thickens slightly (about a minute).

5. Garnish with chives and serve!


