Simple Sag Aloo (Indian Potato And Spinach)

Simple Sag Aloo (Indian Potato And Spinach)

1. Defrost the spinach and drain well. Squeeze it to get rid of as much moisture as possible.

2. Meanwhile, boil the cubed potatoes until they are almost cooked through (but not falling apart). Drain well.

3. Heat the oil in a large pan or wok and, when hot, add the potatoes and all the spices, stirring to coat everything.

4. When the potatoes have started to crisp up slightly, add the garlic and tomatoes and stir for a few more seconds, then add the spinach.

5. If using fresh spinach, you want it to be just wilted, or with frozen, warmed through.

6. Taste and adjust seasoning as required then serve immediately.


