Simple Tartar Sauce

Simple Tartar Sauce

1. 1. In a small bowl, mix together mayonnaise, sweet pickle relish, and minced onion. Stir in lemon juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.

2. My Tip's: I've made it per instructed and at times I modifications. I prefer to use dehydrated "Real-Lemon" powder instead of lemon juice (it makes it less runny) and I double pickles (at least) but drain them on paper towel first, again so that it is not runny. I have also used horseradish instead of onion which gives it a different, but not unpleasant, taste. Leaving it to marry in the fridge is advised as it really brings the flavors together.This makes a yummy sauce for boiled shrimp or seared scallops.

3. I strongly recommend preparing this in advance, letting it sit in the fridge overnight makes a big difference. Thought it tasted too much like mayo at first, but the next day, it was perfect! Plus, if you make too much, it's good for at least another 2 weeks or so, as long as you keep it refridgerated.


