Slowburn Goat Curry With Friend Roti

Slowburn Goat Curry With Friend Roti

1. Before you make curry, prepare Roti dough:

2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder.

3. Make a well in the center and add warm water, melted butter and milk, mixing it with the flour until a soft dough is formed. If dough is still too dry add teaspoons of water till your dough is soft, slightly sticky, but not wet.

4. Dust kneading board with flour; place the dough on the board and knead for 2 minutes or so.

5. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for an hour or so.

6. To make Curry:

7. Wash the goat and set a pot of water to boil. Enough water to cover the meat. Add goat to boiling water. Let boil till foam comes to top. Skim off till no more arises. (15 - 20 min depending how much goat you put in.).

8. Drain and set meat aside to cool.

9. In a heavy bottomed pot, cover bottom with olive oil, and heat. When oil shimmers, add chopped onions, and serranos, cook till onions become translucent. Keep heat low to medium, you don't not want to burn onions or you will impart a burnt taste to whole dish.

10. When onions are turning golden, add cumin, cinnamon, curry powder, stir and cook for 2 minutes. Then shut off heat.

11. Debone goat and slice meat finely. Add all meat back to the onions. (Make sure there are no bone chips, because it will be impossible to find them once you add the potatoes!).

12. Add water, bring back up to a boil. Add salt and coconut milk. Cover and let simmer for 20 - 40 minutes. Taste sauce. If it is too hot add more coconut milk. Too bland, you can add a pinch of chili powder. (and I mean a pinch, a 1/4 tsp can ruin an entire pot).

13. Now test goat. If meat is tender, add potatoes. If meat is very chewy, wait a bit longer till meat softens up. When meat is ALMOST as tender as you want it, add potatoes and recover pot.

14. Potatoes sliced thinly can take 10 - 20 minutes to soften up. Check after 10 minutes.

15. If sauce is too thick, add water. Potatoes will absorb water, so keep a close eye on them. ALSO: Don't stir too much, or you will break your potatoes and you will have potato soup.

16. When everything is tender, and potatoes are done, add garlic and cilantro. Stir, and cook for 5 minutes. Shut off heat.

17. Now its time to make the Roti.

18. To make ROTI:

19. Divide the dough into three-inch balls. Dust board. Roll out the dough balls into 6-7 inch circles. Dust each flat as you create them, before you stack them so they do not stick together.

20. In a cast iron pan, (or a pan that can get very hot) Add vegetable oil. Test oil by dropping small bit of dough. If it comes to the top as soon as it hits the bottom of the pan, oil is ready. Place flat carefully in oil, it will sizzle and bubble up immediately.

21. Push dough under oil to force air into it. It will brown very quickly (30 - 60 seconds) Flip once and place on paper towels to drain. Make all dough at once. Salt them while they are still hot.

22. Plating : I enjoy a meal I can sink my teeth, and hands into. I serve this meal in a large shallow bowl. Place the chopped scallions in a bowl off to the side, or sprinkle over the curry. On a separate plate, stack the roti. The idea is to spoon the curry into small bits of the roti and pop into your mouth.

23. Serve this with cold beer and lots of napkins. Expect a little splatter but a lot of laughs. This meal is unbelievable good. And your friends and loved ones will never forget it.


