Snail Fritters - Beignets D'Escargots

Snail Fritters - Beignets D'Escargots

1. Preparation time 1 hour 35 minutes including marinating.

2. Cooking time 8 minutes.

3. Ingredients:

4. 60 Burgundy snails

5. 100 petits-gris snails (canned or freshly cooked)

6. 2 eggs, separated

7. 1 1/2 cups flour

8. 2 Tbsp olive oil

9. 3 Tbsp olive oil

10. First make the batter.

11. Mix the egg yolks with the flour and olive oil.

12. Add a little warm water to give a smooth, creamy consistency.

13. Season and leave to stand.

14. Just before using, gently fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites.

15. Drain the snails and marinate for 1 hour in the olive oil and chopped herbs, just toss them with the oil and herbs so they are very lightly coated, not dripping. Drain off any oil before coating with batter. (parsley, tarragon, chives, and chervil, or any combo you like).

16. Drop the snails into the batter by the handful, then remove them one by one and drop into the hot frying oil (2 at a time in the case of petits-gris); fry until golden brown, then drain on paper towels.

17. Serve garnished with fried parsley. Eat while hot, a real family and friends, summertime in France recipe!

18. White wines: Cassis, Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence, Saint-Joseph.


