Snowcapped Pink Strawberry Mountains(Strawberry Granita)

Snowcapped Pink Strawberry Mountains(Strawberry Granita)

1. Gently wash and hull strawberries, then put in a food processor. Process until crushed. Working in batches, press puree through a fine sieve to extract seeds, and discard seeds.

2. Whisk powdered sugar and lemon juice into strawberry juice. It should seem a little too sweet and a little too sharp; both tastes will be muted slightly when frozen.

3. Pour puree into a bowl or shallow baking dish; the mix should be no deeper than about 1". Freeze until solid, at least 1 hour.

4. Remove from freezer 5 minutes before serving. Using a sturdy scoop or spoon, mound granita into goblets and cap each with a trickle of cream. The cream will solidify, semifrozen, like a snowcap on a pink mountain!

5. Serve quickly, before it has time to melt. Enjoy!


