Soft "Ciambellone" Cake

Soft "Ciambellone" Cake

1. Beat the eggs with the sugar until they become frothy. Stirring, gradually add the sifted flour, then add the vanilla, water and oil.

2. You should get a soft and smooth dough. Next, add the baking powder. Grease a cake mold with butter and cover with flour. Remove the excess flour.

3. (This is a traditional way to not stick dessert in the mold, if you prefer, you can always use the spray.).

4. Pour 3/4 of the mixture into the mold.

5. With the 1/4 of the mixture that is left add the cocoa powder, mix well and pour on top of the mixture already in the mold.

6. In order to blend the mixture togheter, take a knife and make a small concentric circles through both mixtures for an original effect.

7. Bake in hot oven at 350°F for 35 minutes.

8. (to be sure it is done, check the cooking with a toothpick.)

9. Let the cake cool before removing from the mold.

10. Enjoy it!


