

1. Wash& soak the chana dal for 2 hours.

2. Grind to a fine paste.

3. Pressure cook the ground paste.

4. Cool.

5. Crush into smaller pieces.

6. Set aside.

7. In a pan, dissolve the jaggery in 3 cups of water and make a one-thread fine consistency syrup.

8. Now add the crushed pieces of chana dal.

9. Mix well.

10. Stir.

11. Add grated coconut.

12. When it thickens, add the cardamom powder.

13. Cool.

14. Make equal lemon-sized balls.

15. Set aside.

16. Mix rice and dal together to make a fine powder in a mixer.

17. Add water and make it into a thick batter.

18. Heat oil on medium heat.

19. Dip the dal-jaggery balls in the batter.

20. Gently slip into the oil.

21. Deep fry atleast five at a time.

22. Drain and serve hot or cold with sugar on top.

23. The filling can be replaced by the coconut-jaggery mixture also.

24. Coconut and jaggery are mixed in equal proportions till the mixture thickens and equal-sized balls are made.

25. The outer cover is done in the same way and deep fried.


