Sour Cream Shrimp Curry

Sour Cream Shrimp Curry

1. Place the butter, green onion, green pepper and garlic in a large microproof dish, cover and microwave on high 100% power for 2 minutes.

2. Stir in the mushrooms, curry,salt& pepper, worcestershire& dry mustard.

3. Cover and microwave on high 100% power for 4-6 minutes until the mushrooms are soft, stir half way through the cooking time.

4. Stir in the sour cream& shrimp microwave on medium 50% power 3-5 minutes until heated through, stir once during cooking time.

5. Serve with Toasted almonds on top.

6. NB: You can make this dish ahead and reheat using Medium 50% power.


