Soya Sauce Chicken, Honey And Ginger

Soya Sauce Chicken, Honey And Ginger

1. Sal-pimentar the chicken breasts and mark the chicken breasts on both sides in a pan with olive oil. Once marked breasts, the remove from heat and reserve.

2. In the same pan, add a piece of fresh chopped and peeled ginger and 2 cloves minced garlic. Fry and when they have taken color, add a small chorrete Worcestershire sauce and a splash of soy sauce.

3. Dizzy ginger and garlic in the sauce and when they appear bubbles add the molasses, diluting the honey in the sauce and return to wait out the bubbles to add a little sesame oil and the cup chicken broth.

4. Let cook until the sauce bubbles, then add the juice of 1/2 lemon and spoons from the resulting mixture of cornstarch with water again appear.

5. Stir so that all ingredients are blended and when the sauce starts to bubble, add the chicken we had reserved.

6. We are turning down the heat and cook until the sauce thickens and is reduced.

7. To present garnish with celery leaves.

8. pinch of salt.

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