Spaghetti Meat Sauce

Spaghetti Meat Sauce

1. First, brown meat in cooking pan, and add half of onion powder, 1 tsp oregano, and 1/2 teaspoons garlic salt to meat. Drain fat (leave a little for the sauce) from meat, and put into a large cooking pot. set aside.

2. Saute onions and 1 clove of garlic in the olive oil. Cook until they begin to get clear. Add onions and garlic to the meat you have in the pot. Add tomato sauce, paste and diced tomatoes. Add your 4 cups of water and bring to a low boil (bubbling but not violent enough to where you can't add more ingredients). Add remaining ingredients slowly, and stir occasionally for 5 minutes. Let this cook covered for 3 hours on low heat, but be sure to check it about every 30-45 minutes and stir. You want to avoid sticking in the pot. Taste every time you check the sauce to make see if you need to add anything else.


