Spaghetti Sauce With Three Tomatoes

Spaghetti Sauce With Three Tomatoes

1. Pour the sun dried tomato oil into a pan on medium heat.

2. Add the minced garlic cloves and the onion should you choose to use it and heat for 5-20 seconds. Careful not to burn it.

3. Pour the entire can of whole peeled tomatoes with the juice into the pan. Lower the flame.

4. At this time, if you're going to use the pre-sliced mushrooms get them in a pan with some butter and get them sautéed.

5. While the mushrooms are cooking take your attention back to your sauce. Use the back of a wooden spoon to break up the whole tomatoes. (As the whole tomatoes heat up it becomes easier to mash them down, making this the base for your sauce.).

6. You may want to have the pork links chopped up and ready to go should you choose to use them. I would probably get them ready now so that they'll be almost ready to throw in shortly after the Mushrooms. I like to use breakfast links, such as "Farmer Johns". (Add a dash of black pepper to them while they are cooking).

7. Add 1/2 cup of chopped sun-dried tomatoes. If this is not thick enough add some tomato paste.

8. Now is a great time to check on your mushrooms. If they are just about done go ahead and add them to the sauce.

9. Add your spices to taste. Be careful with the crushed red pepper, the more you add the more of a punch it will pack.

10. While the meat is cooking and the sauce is simmering cut the cherry tomatoes in half and set aside.

11. Add the sausage to the sauce when it is done. Then add the cherry tomatoes and cook 10 more minutes or until they become soft, but not mushy. Pour over your choice of cooked pasta. Enjoy!


