Spaghetti With Young Broad Beans And Goat Cheese

Spaghetti With Young Broad Beans And Goat Cheese

1. Remove the broad beans from their pods and wash them.

2. Place broad beans in a small pot, pour water over them and cook for about 15 minutes When done, drain broad beans and save 4 ounces water from cooking.

3. Peel broad beans from firm skin (using fingertips just press them out). Smash broad beans using fork, but be careful not to oversmash them. Leave aside.

4. In a bowl, combine olive oil, water from cooking, salt, pepper, crumbled goat cheese and finely grated garlic. Mix with smashed broad beans until combined. If necessary, add more olive oil.

5. In a separate pot, cook spaghetti al dente in a generous amount of water and salt. When done, drain spaghetti from water.

6. Combine spaghetti with pesto and serve warm topped with crumbled goat cheese (optional).


