Spanish Cream Knox Blox

Spanish Cream Knox Blox

1. In a bowl mix the egg with the half and half, set aside.

2. In a sauce pan, soften the gelatin in the cold water.

3. Add the egg/ half and half mixture and sugar to the sauce pan.

4. Cook over low heat until gelatin and sugar are completely dissolved and incorporated.

5. Add in the vanilla.

6. Using a whisk, continue to stir slowly until it starts to steam and thicken.

7. Remove from heat.

8. Pour in 1-2 baking pans depending in how thick you would like the blox.

9. Chill in the refrigerator till set and firm, about 4 hours.

10. You can cut them into blocks or use your favorite cookie cutters for different shapes.

11. ( I used the chill time as cook time).


