Spanish Shrimp With Chorizo

Spanish Shrimp With Chorizo

1. In small pan place chorizo. Cover with water and bring to boil. Simmer for 2 minutes.

2. Drain water from chorizos. Cut chorizo into 1/4 inch slices, at a bit of an angle.

3. In a bowl combine butter, shallots, parsley, smoked paprika, and sweet/hot paprika. Add salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

4. In large saute pan, add sliced chorizo and fry up on both sides. About 2minutes per side. Increase heat to high and add shrimp to pan and cook until shrimp are starting to turn pink, but not thoroughly cooked.

5. Remove pan from stove and add brandy. Place back on stove and cook high until alcohol evaporates, about 1 minute.

6. Add butter mixture to pan and cook until all is melted and shrimp are cooked and hot.

7. Serve shrimp immediately.

8. You may serve over hot rice or in a bowl so you can dip crusty bread into the sauce.

9. Garnish with lemon.


