Spanish Stuffed Meatloaf

Spanish Stuffed Meatloaf

1. In a medium size bowl,mix all ingredients except for the cheese.

2. Separate the meat mixture into two equal halves.

3. Mold one half into a large oval 6"x3" and make a cavity the whole length leaving an inch all around.

4. Insert cheddar into cavity.

5. Mold other half and place atop the filled loaf making sure it's sealed all around.

6. Place meatloaf on a pie plate and put in oven at 325'for about an hour.

7. If you find it darkening too much, cover with aluminum foil.

8. Meanwhile,in a small pot,put 1 cup of water 1/4 remaining packet of seasonings, 1/2 of the tomato 1tbs of green peppers& celery& let steep till meatloaf is done.

9. Thicken gravy with arrowroot& serve over meatloaf.


