Spectacular Berry Pancakes

Spectacular Berry Pancakes

1. Wash the fruits using a colander.

2. **Hull the fruits, then chop them.

3. Sift the flour, then measure it into a medium bowl.Then sift the salt sugar and baking powder into the flour.

4. In the large bowl, whisk together the eggs and the milk. Add the melted butter.

5. **Using the electric mixer, beat the dry ingredients and the wet one together until combined.

6. **Lightly grease a frying pan or griddle with vegetable oil, and heat it on medium-high.

7. **Pour 1/2 cup of batter per pancake onto the hot griddle or frying pan and sprinkle berry over the top right after it is poured.

8. **Cook each pancake until it has air bubbles on top, the edges are dry, and the underside is light brown. Flip the pancake to cook the other side.

9. Serve with butter and syrup.


