Spiced Sirloin Rice (Teta Rice)

Spiced Sirloin Rice (Teta Rice)

1. Mix all the spices together in a small bowl.

2. Using a fine mesh strainer, rinse the Basmati Rice under cold water for a minute, set aside to drain.

3. Combine the chicken stock mix in 1 cup of the chicken broth, set aside.

4. In a large pot, heat the Oil over med-high heat.

5. Add the sirloin and mix with oil. Immediately sprinkle 1/3 of spice mixture on the sirloin and stir in, repeat this 2 more times and stir until the meat is brown all over and you have added all the spice.

6. Add rice to the meat and mix it together 15 – 20 seconds.

7. Add both the chicken broth and the chicken broth and stock mixture at this time, this should cover the rice and meat by a ¼ to ½ inch.

8. Add butter and stir occasionally.

9. Once butter has melted and the liquid is just starting to boil (the rice should look a little plump) reduce heat to just above low and cover the pot.

10. Cook for 17 minutes. DO NOT lift the cover to check.

11. During this time you can toast the Pine nuts either in a nonstick pan on the stove or on a cookie sheet in the oven on broil. Either way you need to stir them continuously until they are nicely browned.

12. After 17 minutes remove the pot from heat and let stand for 10 minutes. DO NOT lift the cover. After 10 minutes you can lift the cover and fluff up the rice with an fork.

13. Scoop rice out onto a platter for presentation or directly onto a plate. If using pine nuts sprinkle them on top of the rice.

14. If you are using the yogurt, it is served in individual bowls and a little is scooped on and mixed into the rice as you eat it.

15. Enjoy.


