Spiced Veggies With Polenta And Cilantro-Peach Chutney

Spiced Veggies With Polenta And Cilantro-Peach Chutney

1. Brush the polanta pieces with oil and bake in 500 degree oven for 5-10 minutes, turning once.

2. Rinse mushrooms, pat dry, and dice.

3. Heat the oil in a skillet on medium-high heat.

4. Add garlic and onions; stir until light brown.

5. Add the broccoli pieces and stir for a couple of minutes.

6. Add all the seasonings except garam masala; stir for less than a minute.

7. Add tomatoes; cook for a couple of minutes.

8. Add the mushrooms and artichoke hearts; cook for about 5 minutes, increasing heat if the mushrooms leave too much water.

9. Stir in garam masala.

10. Spread the polanta pieces on a platter, top with spiced vegetables, and serve with the following chutney.

11. Cilantro Peach Chutney: Snip, wash, and chop the cilantro.

12. Wash and cut the peaches.

13. Put everything in a blender, and grind using about ΒΌ cup water as needed for semi liquid consistency.

14. The ingredients must be ground completely.

15. Store in a nonmetallic container in the refrigerator.


