Spicy Chicken With Mango

Spicy Chicken With Mango

1. Heat a grill or frying pan until hot.

2. Rub the chicken with olive oil, garam masala and a little salt.

3. Cook for 6 minutes on each side or until slightly charred and cooked through.

4. Peel and slice the mango into slim wedges.

5. Halve the cucumber lengthwise, then slice thickly at an angle.

6. Thinly slice the onion.

7. Toss the salad ingredients together with the coriander, then pile onto plates.

8. Mix the sour cream with the juice and zest of the half lime, season with a bit of salt, then dollop beside the salad.

9. Cut the chicken in half or into thirds diagonally, arrange next to the salad, then serve with naan bread.


