Spicy Skewered Chicken

Spicy Skewered Chicken

1. In a shallow glass dish combine;garlic, onion,soysauce, oil, vinegar, ginger and chili powder Mix well, reserve 2 tbsp of the marinade

2. Add chicken, cover, refrigerate for 1 hour

3. Meanwhile in a large bowl combine the mushrooms, pepper pieces, tomatoes and dressing Mix well and refrigerater until ready to use

4. Remove chicken from the marinade, discard marinade

5. Thread ingredients on skewers (if using wooden skewers pre soak them for 15 min in water) Start with a mushroom cap, then chicken, then pepper, etc.

6. Broil 3" from heat or BBQ over med/high heat

7. Baste with the reserved marinade Timing depends on the heat but approximately 5 minutes each side or until chicken is no longer pink.


