Spinach Filo Pie

Spinach Filo Pie

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

2. Wash spinach (if necessary), trim stems(if necessary), dry thoroughly, and chop.

3. In a large skillet, saute scallions in olive oil until tender.

4. Combine spinach,parsley, and dill, and add to scallions over high heat.

5. Saute 2 minutes,stirring occasionally with a spatula.

6. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper, add half and half, feta cheese and eggs and mix well.

7. Brush a 9x13x12 inch baking pan with olive oil and line it with 5 filo leaves,brushing each leaf with a mixture of melted butter and olive oil.

8. Fill with the spinach mixture and top with the remaining filo leaves, and cut into squares with a sharp knife before baking.

9. Bake 45 minutes and serve hot or cold.


