Spinach Poffertjes

Spinach Poffertjes

1. Wash the spinach. Let it boil down in a large pan.

2. Use a food processor to puree the spinach.

3. Add the spinach and the remaining water in a

4. measuring cup, and add milk until it reaches 4dl (400ml).

5. Mix the self-raising flour and the salt in a bowl.

6. Stir the spinach mixture in the bowl.

7. Add each egg, one by one, while stirring.

8. Add 75g of the grated cheese.

9. (To make actual poffertjes you will need a poffertjespan, but if you do not own one of these, then you can also make small pancakes.).

10. Heat the pan, and grease it with butter.

11. Pour in a small amount of the mixture.

12. Flip them when the top is almost cooked.

13. Repeat this step until all the mixture has been used.

14. Serve with grated cheese and butter.


