Spinach Ricotta Pizza With Fresh Tomato Puree

Spinach Ricotta Pizza With Fresh Tomato Puree

1. Divide dough into two and roll out into two thin crusts. Lightly brush olive oil to taste on top and bake the dough for 5 minutes in a 425 degree oven on a greased and floured pan.

2. Meanwhile grate the four tomatoes into a medium bowl. If your tomatoes are really ripe, you can drain the excess liquid slighlty. Add the pressed garlic and olive oil.

3. Add the spinach to a medium pan over medium heat and saute with salt and pepper to taste until half-wilted.

4. Spread the tomato mixture on both crusts. Return to the oven for another 5 minutes. This should get rid of any excess liquid in the sauce.

5. Top the pizzas with spinach, basil, and a light sprinkling of mozzarella. Finish by placing small dallops of ricotta around the pizza, using a small spoon.

6. Bake for an additional 10 minutes or until cheese bubbles and begins to brown.


