Spring Chicken With Bacon And Yoghurt

Spring Chicken With Bacon And Yoghurt

1. Marinade:

2. Mix together in a bowl the curry powder onion herbs salt and pepper. Add mixture to coat the chicken, cover with a plate or plastic wrap.

3. Put in fridge until needed.

4. Melt the butter with half the oil. Cut the bacon in half, pour the other half of the olive oil over the mushrooms. Cook the bacon and remove. Add the mushrooms then remove.

5. Cook and turn the chicken until crispy , about 5- 7 minutes depending on the heat. Re-warm the mushrooms and bacon for a minute. Mix everything together and add some yogurt to the leftover marinade.

6. Pour over the chicken as a sauce. Place chicken over some salad greens on one large platter or serve separately in bowls. Sprinkle with hot nuts if you like them or hot sesame seeds.


