Sri Lankan Crab Curry

Sri Lankan Crab Curry

1. Heat oil in wok, stir-fry onion, garlic, ginger and chilli until onion softens. Add curry leaves and spices, stir-fry until fragrant. Add coconut cream, sauce and juice and simmer, uncovered for 30 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, prepare crabs. Lift tail flap of each crab then, with a peeling motion, lift off the back of each shell. Remove and discard the gills, liver and brain matter, rinse crabs well. Cut each body in half and separate claws from bodies. You will have eight pieces.

3. Add half of the crab to the wok, simmer, covered, about 10 minutes or until crab is heated through. Transfer crab to large serving bowl, cover to keep warm. Repeat with remaining crab pieces.

4. Spoon curry sauce over crab, sprinkle with coconut.


