Steamed Buttered Radishes - Radis Au Beurre À La Vapeur

Steamed Buttered Radishes - Radis Au Beurre À La Vapeur

1. Remove leaves and roots from radishes and wash quickly under cold running water. Do not allow them to soak. Peel and coarsely chop the onions.

2. Melt half of the butter in a wide-based pan in which radishes can eventually be placed in one layer.

3. When the butter foams, add the onions, season well and saute over low heat, shaking the pan so that they soften without coloring.

4. Add the radishes and turn over the mixture with a wooden spoon.

5. Pour into the pan just enough cold water to cover the bottom, cover with a well fitting lid and cook for 5 minutes, no more.

6. Add the rest of the butter cut to in small pieces, stir well, test for seasoning and correct if necessary.

7. Pour into a heated serving dish and serve immediately.


