Steve Brown'S Lasagna

Steve Brown'S Lasagna

1. Melt the beef fat in a large pot.

2. Fry the onion until it begins to turn golden.

3. Add the sirloin, and fry until the moisture is nearly gone.

4. Add the garlic, aniseed, nutmeg, and black pepper, fry until it all is as browned as you like.

5. Add the remaining sauce ingredients, and allow to simmer for half an hour.

6. Once the sauce is done simmering, mix together the cheese mixture ingredients.

7. Set aside 1 cup of sauce.

8. If you're going to bake this right away, pre heat oven to 350.

9. Grate the cheese, and set aside 1 cup of mozzarella. Mix that 1 cup of mozzarella with the 80g of parmesan, and set aside for the topping.

10. Mix the semolina flour and eggs. You can begin with a fork, but you'll have to knead it by hand in the end. Add some water, about a teaspoon at a time, if it's too crumbly.

11. Divide the pasta dough into four even balls.

12. Use a pasta roller to make one ball into sheets to fit a 13x9 pan.

13. Soak the sheets in hot water for 3-5 minutes, then lay them in a greased 13x9 pan.

14. Cover the sheets with 1/4 the remaining sauce.

15. Cover the sauce with 1/4 the remaining mozzarella.

16. Cover the mozzarella with 1/4 the cheese mixture.

17. Roll out the next ball of dough and soak it as you did before. Top with sauce, mozzarella, and cheese mixture. Do this two more times so that you have four layers.

18. Cover with the reserved mozzarella and parmesan.

19. Cover the cheese with small dollops of the reserved sauce.

20. The lasagna can be covered and refrigerated at this point, or baked immediately.

21. Bake for 45 minutes (55-60 minutes if it was refrigerated), allow to sit 15 minutes before serving.


