Strawberry Meringues

Strawberry Meringues

1. Place egg whites in small mixwer bowl; let stand at room temperature for about 1 hour.

2. Cover baking sheets with parchment paper. Draw eight 3-inch circles on parchment paper.

3. For meringue, combine egg whites, vanilla, cream of tartar, and salt.

4. Beat till soft peaks form.

5. Gradually add 1 cup sugar, beating until stiff peaks form.

6. Spread meringue over the 8 circles, using about 1/3 cup for each. Using back of spoon, shape into shells.

7. Bake in 275ยบ oven for 1 hour. For crisper meringues, turn oven off; dry meringue shells in oven with door closed about 1 hour. Peel off paper.

8. Halve strawberries; sweeten with a little sugar, if desired.

9. Melt chocolate and butter; cool.

10. Combine whipping cream and powdered sugar; beat until stiff peaks form.

11. To assemble, drizzle aoubt 1 teaspoon of the cooled chocolate mixture over each shell.

12. Reserve about 1/2 cup of the whipped cream for garnish;divide remainder evenly among the shells.

13. Top with the halved strawberries. Garnish with reserved whipped cream.


