Strawberry Yogurt Pie

Strawberry Yogurt Pie

1. Sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl.

2. Add sweetener, margarine, egg and salt.

3. Knead quickly with the hooks of your mixer or by hand until dough resembles coarse crumbs.

4. Grease a baking sheet and place the greased rim of a spring form on the sheet.

5. Press half the crumbs into the rim so that they form a crust.

6. Put the other half of the crumbs onto the sheet so that they form streusel.

7. Bake (ATTENTION: there was neither temperature nor baking time in the directions, you have to add them!) until done.

8. Remove rim from crust.

9. Let cool crust and streusels.

10. Filling:

11. Dissolve strawberry gelatine in water and stand aside.

12. Stir together yogurt, skim milk, chopped lemon peel and artificial sweetener.

13. Gently heat dissolved gelatine until it is smooth; stir into yogurt mixture and place in the refrigerator.

14. Again grease rim of the spring form pan; place onto a large tart plate around the cooled crust.

15. Fill crust with prepared strawberries and the pour the still slightly liquid yogurt filling over it.

16. Pace in the refrigerator until yogurt is firm.

17. Bake crust at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.


