Strudel Surprise!

Strudel Surprise!

1. Pour dough ingredients into bread machine.

2. Keep the yeast, salt and sugar separate. According to you machine directions.

3. Set on dough cycle.

4. Mean while mix the cheese, yolks, zest, and vanilla. Stir in the pistachio and raisins. Chill till ready to use.

5. Grease baking sheet pan. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

6. When dough cycle is finished, place to dough on a lightly powdered sugared surface.

7. Punch down dough and roll into 2 - 14 by 10 inch rectangle.

8. Brush each dough with melted butter and sprinkle with almonds.

9. Spread 1/2 the cheese mixture leaving an edge.

10. Roll into 2 jelly rolls.

11. Place on baking sheet pan cover with plastic wrap and rise for 30 minutes.

12. Egg wash the tops and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and or nuts.

13. Serve warm.


